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About Us
Office Hours
Monday - Closed
9:00 am - 3:00 pm  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday  
10:00 am - 2:00 pm  Friday
Church Office  712-362-3335            Church Kitchen  712-362-7048  
Pastor Cole  605-201-7686
E-mail:  â€‹trinityestherville@gmail.com
721 18th Avenue North
PO Box 152
Estherville, Iowa 
Our purpose as a congregation is to glorify the triune God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to be centered in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to nurture and support in the Christian faith all who gather with us, and to witness to and extend God's love in the Estherville community and throughout the world.
Trinity Lutheran Church was organized in 1956 and is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Baptized membership is over 500.
We are a church family made up of individuals who are different in many ways, yet brought together by God to be one in faith, hope, and love.  We have found that Jesus Christ alone is our hope and He is the only real and
lasting hope for the world.
Jesus has promised to be with us always through the Holy Spirit, whose presence, guidance, forgiveness, and peace make a real difference in our lives.  We welcome you to share the joys of the Christian life with us!
If you are looking for a church home, contact the church office for assistance with membership.  The phone number is 712-362-3335.